assertOpenCL  September 19, 2018
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 example.cSimple C example to show how run a kernel with assert*() and PRINT*() macros and test them
 opencl_errors_map.hList of all error codes and names extracted from /usr/include/CL/cl.h
 example.cppSimple C++ example to show how run a kernel with assert*() and PRINT*() macros and test them
 opencl_errors_map.hppList of all error codes and names extracted from /usr/include/CL/cl.h
 Example.javaSimple Java (at least since Java 1.8) example to show how run a kernel with assert*() and PRINT*() macros and test them
 example.clSimple example of use of assert*() and PRINT*() macros
 Example.scalaSimple Scala example to show how run a kernel with assert*() and PRINT*() macros and test them
 assert.clC-like assert alternative (because assert doesn't exist in OpenCL), with necessary helper macros to transmit information to the host
 print.clHelper macros to use printf() function during development when it is available (from OpenCL 1.2)