class BaseSchemeSemantics[V, Addr, Time] extends Semantics[SchemeExp, V, Addr, Time]
Basic Scheme semantics, without any optimization
Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- BaseSchemeSemantics
- Semantics
- AnyRef
- Any
- by any2stringadd
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
- new BaseSchemeSemantics(primitives: Primitives[Addr, V])(implicit arg0: IsSchemeLattice[V], arg1: Address[Addr], arg2: Timestamp[Time])
Type Members
- type Actions = Set[Action[SchemeExp, V, Addr]]
- type Env = Environment[Addr]
- case class FrameAnd(rest: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameBegin(rest: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameCase(clauses: List[(List[SchemeValue], List[SchemeExp])], default: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameCond(cons: List[SchemeExp], clauses: List[(SchemeExp, List[SchemeExp])], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameDefine(variable: Identifier, env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameDoBody(toeval: List[SchemeExp], vars: List[(Identifier, V, Option[SchemeExp])], test: SchemeExp, finals: List[SchemeExp], commands: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameDoInit(vars: List[(Identifier, V, Option[SchemeExp])], variable: Identifier, step: Option[SchemeExp], toeval: List[(Identifier, SchemeExp, Option[SchemeExp])], test: SchemeExp, finals: List[SchemeExp], commands: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameDoStep(vars: List[(Identifier, V, Option[SchemeExp])], variable: Identifier, step: Option[SchemeExp], toeval: List[(Identifier, V, Option[SchemeExp])], test: SchemeExp, finals: List[SchemeExp], commands: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameDoTest(vars: List[(Identifier, V, Option[SchemeExp])], test: SchemeExp, finals: List[SchemeExp], commands: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameFuncallOperands(f: V, fexp: SchemeExp, cur: SchemeExp, args: List[(SchemeExp, V)], toeval: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameFuncallOperator(fexp: SchemeExp, args: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameIf(cons: SchemeExp, alt: SchemeExp, env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameLet(variable: Identifier, bindings: List[(Identifier, V)], toeval: List[(Identifier, SchemeExp)], body: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameLetStar(variable: Identifier, bindings: List[(Identifier, SchemeExp)], body: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameLetrec(addr: Addr, bindings: List[(Addr, SchemeExp)], body: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameOr(rest: List[SchemeExp], env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- case class FrameSet(variable: Identifier, env: Env) extends SchemeFrame with Product with Serializable
- trait SchemeFrame extends Frame
- type Sto = Store[Addr, V]
Value Members
actionToSet(action: Action[SchemeExp, V, Addr]): Set[Action[SchemeExp, V, Addr]]
- Definition Classes
- Semantics
- def conditional(v: V, t: ⇒ Actions, f: ⇒ Actions): Actions
- def evalCall(function: V, fexp: SchemeExp, argsv: List[(SchemeExp, V)], store: Sto, t: Time): Actions
- def evalDoBody(toeval: List[SchemeExp], vars: List[(Identifier, V, Option[SchemeExp])], test: SchemeExp, finals: List[SchemeExp], commands: List[SchemeExp], t: Time, env: Env, store: Sto): Actions
- def evalDoStep(vars: List[(Identifier, V, Option[SchemeExp])], toeval: List[(Identifier, V, Option[SchemeExp])], test: SchemeExp, finals: List[SchemeExp], commands: List[SchemeExp], t: Time, env: Env, store: Sto): Actions
initialBindings: List[(String, Addr, V)]
Defines the elements in the initial environment/store
Defines the elements in the initial environment/store
- Definition Classes
- BaseSchemeSemantics → Semantics
initialEnv: Iterable[(String, Addr)]
- Definition Classes
- Semantics
initialStore: Iterable[(Addr, V)]
- Definition Classes
- Semantics
mfActionToActions(mf: MayFail[Action[SchemeExp, V, Addr]]): Set[Action[SchemeExp, V, Addr]]
- Definition Classes
- Semantics
mfToActions(mf: MayFail[Set[Action[SchemeExp, V, Addr]]]): Set[Action[SchemeExp, V, Addr]]
- Definition Classes
- Semantics
parse(program: String): SchemeExp
Defines how to parse a program
Defines how to parse a program
- Definition Classes
- BaseSchemeSemantics → Semantics
stepEval(e: SchemeExp, env: Env, store: Sto, t: Time): Set[Action[SchemeExp, V, Addr]]
Defines what actions should be taken when an expression e needs to be evaluated, in environment env with store store
Defines what actions should be taken when an expression e needs to be evaluated, in environment env with store store
- Definition Classes
- BaseSchemeSemantics → Semantics
stepKont(v: V, frame: Frame, store: Sto, t: Time): Set[Action[SchemeExp, V, Addr]]
Defines what actions should be taken when a value v has been reached, and the topmost frame is frame
Defines what actions should be taken when a value v has been reached, and the topmost frame is frame
- Definition Classes
- BaseSchemeSemantics → Semantics
stepReceive(self: Any, mname: String, margsv: List[V], d: SchemeExp, env: Environment[Addr], store: Store[Addr, V], t: Time): Set[Action[SchemeExp, V, Addr]]
- Definition Classes
- Semantics
Action extends ActionHelpers[Exp, Abs, Addr]
- Definition Classes
- Semantics