Fitmint 1 earnings estimates
🚨 This online tool is obsolete.
It is about an old version of Fitmint.
🚨 And the new Fitmint version is dead! 💀
@@P@@ | Total @@P + D =@@ | ||||||||||||
@@D@@ | ratio @@\frac{P}{D} =@@ | ||||||||||||
Stamina | |||||||||||||
Comfort | |||||||||||||
@@S = \frac{60\,L}{E}@@ | km/h | ||||||||||||
@@L = \frac{S\,E}{60}@@ | km | ||||||||||||
@@C = S\,E@@ | kcal | ||||||||||||
@@M@@ | = | ||||||||||||
@@E@@ | = % of @@M@@ | ||||||||||||
Health lost | @@h = \dots@@ | ||||||||||||
Gross earning | @@g = \dots@@ | FITT | = | POL | = | $ | = | € | |||||
Unity repair cost | @@u = \dots@@ | FITT | = | POL | = | $ | = | € | |||||
Repair cost | @@r = u\,h@@ | FITT | = | POL | = | $ | = | € | |||||
Repair ratio | @@\frac{r}{g}@@ | % | |||||||||||
Net earning by minute | @@\frac{n}{E}@@ | FITT | = | POL | = | $ | = | € | |||||
Net earning by day | @@n = g - r@@ | FITT | = | POL | = | $ | = | € | |||||
Net earning by week | @@7\,n@@ | FITT | = | POL | = | $ | = | € | |||||
Net earning by month | @@30.5\,n@@ | FITT | = | POL | = | $ | = | € | |||||
Net earning by year | @@365\,n@@ | FITT | = | POL | = | $ | = | € |
Larger screens display more information.
- @@g = 0.23754\,P^{0.92135}\,S^{0.3028}\,E@@
- @@u = \left\{\begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} \frac{18.624}{(\frac{P}{D})^{0.848}} & \text{if } \frac{P}{D} \leq 2\\ (\frac{M}{40})^{0.6} (\frac{P}{D})^{1.0618 + 0.0002614 (P + D)} (0.0192 (P + D) + 4.2779) & \text{if } \frac{P}{D} > 2\\ \end{array}\right.@@
- @@h = \left\lceil 0.06447817654\,P^{0.8957}\,D^{0.01}\,S^{0.17859144}\,E\,\frac{1}{u} \times \left\{\begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} x & \text{if } S \leq 6.5\\ y & \text{if } S > 6.5\\ \end{array}\right.\,\right\rceil@@
- @@x = \left\{\begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} \min\left(138, \frac{6.941}{(\frac{P}{D})^{2.795}}\right) & \text{if } \frac{P}{D} \leq 2\\ 1 & \text{if } \frac{P}{D} \leq 2.5\\ 2 \frac{P}{D} - 4 & \text{if } \frac{P}{D} \leq 3\\ 2 & \text{if } \frac{P}{D} > 3\\ \end{array}\right.@@
- @@y = \left\{\begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 1 & \text{if } \frac{P}{D} \leq 2.5\\ \frac{1.33\,P}{D} - 2.325 & \text{if } \frac{P}{D} < 3.25\\ 4.82 - 0.87 \frac{P}{D} & \text{if } \frac{P}{D} < 4.3\\ (\frac{M}{E})^{\frac{M}{100}} \left(0.1561 (\frac{P}{D})^2 - 1.2594 \frac{P}{D} + 3.632\right) & \text{if } \frac{P}{D} \geq 4.3\\ \end{array}\right.@@
⚠️ Initial formulas established by Flotaq (ref) from Fitmint 1 community data. They are not the real Fitmint 1 formulas.
⚠️ Also notice that amounts on week, month and year are computed with the current price.
It is not a prediction.
ℹ️ Coin prices come from CoinGecko.
- 🔗 Link to this application, with current values:
- Simulateur Gain, Coûts de level up… (by Flotaq)
- My donate page / referrals page 🎁
- Other Fitmint resources
- The JavaScript file used by this application: Fitmint-earnings-estimates.js
- This application uses these other free softwares: